As shown on the summary table, HHS’ contingency plans for agency operations in the absence of appropriations will lead to retaining 51,901 staff and furloughing 35,074 staff as of day two of a funding hiatus. Put another way, 60% of HHS employees will be retained and 40% will be furloughed. These percentages vary among HHS Operating Divisions and offices. Operating Divisions with a substantial direct service component will have more of their staff retained. For example, the NIH Clinical Center will continue to care for patients and admit new patients for whom it is medically necessary. FDA will continue core functions to handle and respond to emergencies – such as monitoring for and quickly responding to outbreaks related to foodborne illness and the flu, supporting food and medical product recalls when products endanger consumers and patients, pursuing criminal and certain civil investigations when we believe public health is at risk, screening the food and medical products that are imported to the U.S. to protect consumers and patients from harmful products, and addressing other critical public health issues.