After May 3, 2024, this dataset and webpage will no longer be updated because hospitals are no longer required to report data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, and hospital capacity and occupancy data, to HHS through CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. Data voluntarily reported to NHSN after May 1, 2024, will be available starting May 10, 2024, at COVID Data Tracker Hospitalizations.
This file helps define the HHS_ID column that is published in both the
'COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by Facility' found here:
COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and 'Hospital Capacity by Facility -- RAW' found here:
As a part of an effort to improve the granularity of spatial data, unique identifiers (named “HHS IDs” in the datasets) have been assigned to each individual facility. These unique identifiers are provided so data users can reference each individual “brick and mortar” facility that is reporting data to HHS, even in cases when multiple facilities report under the same CMS Certification Number (CCN). Additional datasets and further details related to HHS IDs will be released at a later date.
With this file, you can associate the reporting facility with its physical location(s).
On October 8, 2021, this file will now include the HHS IDs for Psychiatric, Rehabilitation and Behavioral hospitals, as well as Ambulatory Surgical Centers and Free Standing Emergency departments wherever these institutions are reporting under
Starting on January 6, 2023, this dataset will no longer be posted on weekends.