2005-2016. This dataset includes data from the retired BRFSS Vision Module. From 2005-2011 the BRFSS employed a ten question vision module regarding vision impairment, access and utilization of eye care, and self-reported eye diseases. In 2013 and subsequently, one question in the core of BRFSS asks about vision: “Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?” The latest data for this core question can be found in the Vision and Eye Health Surveillance System (VEHSS). VEHSS is intended to provide population estimates of vision loss function, eye diseases, health disparities, as well as barriers and facilitators to access to vision and eye care. This information can be used for designing, implementing, and evaluating vision and eye health prevention programs. To access the latest BRFSS data, (2013-2017) view the Behavioral Risk Factors – Vision and Eye Health Surveillance dataset (