Data about COVID-19 will continue to be updated at CDC’s COVID Data Tracker.
The Community Profile Report (CPR) is generated by the Data Strategy and Execution Workgroup in the Joint Coordination Cell, under the White House COVID-19 Team. It is managed by an interagency team with representatives from multiple agencies and offices (including the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, and the Indian Health Service). The CPR provides easily interpretable information on key indicators for all regions, states, core-based statistical areas (CBSAs), and counties across the United States. It is a snapshot in time that:
Data in this report may differ from data on state and local websites. This may be due to differences in how data were reported (e.g., date specimen obtained, or date reported for cases) or how the metrics are calculated. Historical data may be updated over time due to delayed reporting. Data presented here use standard metrics across all geographic levels in the United States. It facilitates the understanding of COVID-19 pandemic trends across the United States by using standardized data. The footnotes describe each data source and the methods used for calculating the metrics. For additional data for any particular locality, visit the relevant health department website. Additional data and features are forthcoming.
Effective April 30, 2021, the Community Profile Report will be distributed on Monday through Friday. There will be no impact to the data represented in these reports due to this change.
After May 3, 2024, this dataset and webpage will no longer be updated because hospitals are no longer required to report data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, and hospital capacity and occupancy data, to HHS through CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. Data voluntarily reported to NHSN after May 1, 2024, will be available starting May 10, 2024, at COVID Data Tracker Hospitalizations.
The file will be updated regularly and provides the latest values reported by each facility within the last four days for all time. This allows for a more comprehensive picture of the hospital utilization within a state by ensuring a hospital is represented, even if they miss a single day of reporting.
No statistical analysis is applied to account for non-response and/or to account for missing data.
The below table displays one value for each field (i.e., column). Sometimes, reports for a given facility will be provided to more than one reporting source: HHS TeleTracking, NHSN, and HHS Protect. When this occurs, to ensure that there are not duplicate reports, prioritization is applied to the numbers for each facility.
On April 27, 2022 the following pediatric fields were added:
On January 19, 2022, the following fields have been added to this dataset:
On September 17, 2021, this data set has had the following fields added:
On September 13, 2021, this data set has had the following fields added:
Locations of publicly available COVID-19 Therapeutics. Dataset only includes locations for Paxlovid (oral antiviral), Lagevrio (oral antiviral), and outpatient Veklury (intravenous antiviral infusion). COVID-19 therapeutics require a prescription to obtain. Limitations: public contact information.
To filter, click 'View Data' below, then 'Filter.' To save your view, click 'Save as,' and this configuration will be saved in your profile under 'My Assets.' Please try not to publish dataset publicly, unless necessary.
- Dropped the Expected Deliver Date column - This was a derived field set to 3 days after the Last Order Date field.
- Added the following fields
Last Date Delivered
Total Courses
Courses Available
Courses Available Date
- last_order_date
- last_date_delivered
- total_courses
- courses_available_date
Added the following columns
- facility_id
- last_report_date
- grantee_code
- provider_pin
- state_provider_pin
- facility_id
- grantee_code
- provider_pin
- state_provider_pin
Added the following columns
- provider_status
- provider_note
After May 3, 2024, this dataset and webpage will no longer be updated because hospitals are no longer required to report data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, and hospital capacity and occupancy data, to HHS through CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. Data voluntarily reported to NHSN after May 1, 2024, will be available starting May 10, 2024, at COVID Data Tracker Hospitalizations.
- A “_coverage” append denotes how many times the facility reported that element during that collection week.
- A “_sum” append denotes the sum of the reports provided for that facility for that element during that collection week.
- A “_avg” append is the average of the reports provided for that facility for that element during that collection week.
- hhs_ids
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_7_day_coverage
- previous_day_admission_pediatric_covid_confirmed_7_day_coverage
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_7_day_coverage
- previous_day_admission_pediatric_covid_suspected_7_day_coverage
- previous_week_personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_administered_7_day_sum
- total_personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_none_7_day_sum
- total_personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_one_7_day_sum
- total_personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_all_7_day_sum
- previous_week_patients_covid_vaccinated_doses_one_7_day_sum
- previous_week_patients_covid_vaccinated_doses_all_7_day_sum
The following dataset provides facility-level data for hospital utilization aggregated on a weekly basis (Sunday to Saturday). These are derived from reports with facility-level granularity across two main sources: (1) HHS TeleTracking, and (2) reporting provided directly to HHS Protect by state/territorial health departments on behalf of their healthcare facilities.
The hospital population includes all hospitals registered with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as of June 1, 2020. It includes non-CMS hospitals that have reported since July 15, 2020. It does not include psychiatric, rehabilitation, Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities, Defense Health Agency (DHA) facilities, and religious non-medical facilities.
For a given entry, the term “collection_week” signifies the start of the period that is aggregated. For example, a “collection_week” of 2020-11-15 means the average/sum/coverage of the elements captured from that given facility starting and including Sunday, November 15, 2020, and ending and including reports for Saturday, November 21, 2020.
Reported elements include an append of either “_coverage”, “_sum”, or “_avg”.
- A “_coverage” append denotes how many times the facility reported that element during that collection week.
- A “_sum” append denotes the sum of the reports provided for that facility for that element during that collection week.
- A “_avg” append is the average of the reports provided for that facility for that element during that collection week.
A story page was created to display both corrected and raw datasets and can be accessed at this link:
This data is preliminary and subject to change as more data become available. Data is available starting on July 31, 2020.
Sometimes, reports for a given facility will be provided to both HHS TeleTracking and HHS Protect. When this occurs, to ensure that there are not duplicate reports, deduplication is applied according to prioritization rules within HHS Protect.
For influenza fields listed in the file, the current HHS guidance marks these fields as optional. As a result, coverage of these elements are varied.
For recent updates to the dataset, scroll to the bottom of the dataset description.
On May 3, 2021, the following fields have been added to this data set.
- hhs_ids
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_7_day_coverage
- previous_day_admission_pediatric_covid_confirmed_7_day_coverage
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_7_day_coverage
- previous_day_admission_pediatric_covid_suspected_7_day_coverage
- previous_week_personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_administered_7_day_sum
- total_personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_none_7_day_sum
- total_personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_one_7_day_sum
- total_personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_all_7_day_sum
- previous_week_patients_covid_vaccinated_doses_one_7_day_sum
- previous_week_patients_covid_vaccinated_doses_all_
The locations displayed above have received an order of Paxlovid or Lagevrio (molnupiravir) in the last two months and/or have reported availability of the oral antiviral medications within the last two weeks. Those sites that have not reported in the last two weeks display a notification with the site details, "Inventory has not been reported in the last 2 weeks. Please contact the provider to make sure the product is available."
After May 3, 2024, this dataset and webpage will no longer be updated because hospitals are no longer required to report data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, and hospital capacity and occupancy data, to HHS through CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. Data voluntarily reported to NHSN after May 1, 2024, will be available starting May 10, 2024, at COVID Data Tracker Hospitalizations.
This time series dataset includes viral COVID-19 laboratory test [Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)] results from over 1,000 U.S. laboratories and testing locations including commercial and reference laboratories, public health laboratories, hospital laboratories, and other testing locations. Data are reported to state and jurisdictional health departments in accordance with applicable state or local law and in accordance with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (CARES Act Section 18115).
Data are provisional and subject to change.
Data presented here is representative of diagnostic specimens being tested - not individual people - and excludes serology tests where possible. Data presented might not represent the most current counts for the most recent 3 days due to the time it takes to report testing information. The data may also not include results from all potential testing sites within the jurisdiction (e.g., non-laboratory or point of care test sites) and therefore reflect the majority, but not all, of COVID-19 testing being conducted in the United States.
Sources: CDC COVID-19 Electronic Laboratory Reporting (CELR), Commercial Laboratories, State Public Health Labs, In-House Hospital Labs
Data for each state is sourced from either data submitted directly by the state health department via COVID-19 electronic laboratory reporting (CELR), or a combination of commercial labs, public health labs, and in-house hospital labs. Data is taken from CELR for states that either submit line level data or submit aggregate counts which do not include serology tests.
After May 3, 2024, this dataset and webpage will no longer be updated because hospitals are no longer required to report data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, and hospital capacity and occupancy data, to HHS through CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. Data voluntarily reported to NHSN after May 1, 2024, will be available starting May 10, 2024, at COVID Data Tracker Hospitalizations.
The file will be updated regularly and provides the latest values reported by each facility within the last four days for all time. This allows for a more comprehensive picture of the hospital utilization within a state by ensuring a hospital is represented, even if they miss a single day of reporting.
No statistical analysis is applied to account for non-response and/or to account for missing data.
The below table displays one value for each field (i.e., column). Sometimes, reports for a given facility will be provided to more than one reporting source: HHS TeleTracking, NHSN, and HHS Protect. When this occurs, to ensure that there are not duplicate reports, prioritization is applied to the numbers for each facility.
On June 26, 2023 the field "reporting_cutoff_start" was replaced by the field "date".
On April 27, 2022 the following pediatric fields were added:
On January 19, 2022, the following fields have been added to this dataset:
On September 17, 2021, this data set has had the following fields added:
On September 13, 2021, this data set has had the following fields added:
After May 3, 2024, this dataset and webpage will no longer be updated because hospitals are no longer required to report data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, and hospital capacity and occupancy data, to HHS through CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. Data voluntarily reported to NHSN after May 1, 2024, will be available starting May 10, 2024, at COVID Data Tracker Hospitalizations.
- The percentage of mandatory fields reported.
- The number of days in the preceding week where 100% of the fields were completed.
- Whether a hospital is required to report on Wednesdays only.
- A cell for each required field with the number of days that specific field was reported for the week.
Hospitals are key partners in the Federal response to COVID-19, and this report is published to increase transparency into the type and amount of data being successfully reported to the U.S. Government.
Source: HHS Protect, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services